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Covid & Flu Vaccinations 2024

We are in the process of inviting all our eligible patients for their Covid & Flu vaccinations, please bear with us as we have over 3,000 patients who are eligible for these vaccinations. 

We would encourage all eligible patients to have their vaccines with us at the medical centre. The money we receive for providing a vaccination service helps pay for essential services at the practice. We have access to all your medical history so if you do have any questions or concerns, we have the information to answer them. 

Were possible we are inviting patients via online booking via SMS or email please do not call the surgery regarding these vaccinations before 2pm in the afternoon.   We will be running sessions from the 5th of October throughout the month on certain days.

We will be inviting eligible children’s cohorts the commencing end of September 2024 which is at risk children & those aged 2-3 born between 1 September 2020 & 31 August 2022.  The school nursing team will vaccinate school aged children up to those in year 11. It helps provide protection to those who receive it and reduces transmission of flu to the wider community.

Please see below for further information:


Please have a look at this list to see if your question is answered before phoning the medical centre.

Vaccination FAQs

  1. What if I only want one of the vaccinations – covid or flu

We are encouraging eligible patients to have both vaccinations to maximise their protection this winter. We are still happy to vaccinate you if you want covid or flu vaccination only. Please book an appointment slot as normal. You will be asked by the vaccinating clinician which vaccinations you would like.

  1. Is it safe to have both vaccinations together?

It is safe to have both vaccinations at the same time. There is no evidence of increased side effects or problems.

  1. Can I drive after my vaccination?

If you are having a covid vaccination it is recommended you wait for 10 minutes before driving again. We encourage patients coming for vaccination not to drive if possible. The car park gets very busy. It is also better for the environment and your step count to walk to the medical centre.

  1. What covid vaccine are you using?

We have not been told which vaccine we will be using yet. We will update these questions when we know.

  1. What should I do if I get an invite from the national booking service?

If you have already bookED an appointment with Winchcombe Medical Centre you can ignore the invitation. If you have not booked with us we would encourage you to book your appointment with us – the funds we receive for being involved in the vaccination campaign help pay for essential services at the medical centre.

  1. I have received a text message from Winchcombe Medical Centre asking me to book an appointment – is it genuine?

We are using text messages to send out invitations for vaccinations so that patients have the opportunity to book their own appointment online. Please use this service if you are able. It is much quicker than phoning. If you are not able to use the self-booking service, you can ask a relative to book on your behalf or you can contact the surgery and we will book your appointment.   Please call after 2pm.